This is a global notification. You can write markdown here! Link to official website
ApiEndpointsForResource Component
Create or Update (POST) operation to a resource.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
curl -X POST https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource -i \--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-binary @- << DATA{"objectTypeProperty" : {"arrayOfIntExample" : [ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1 ],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample" : [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample" : [ 3, 5 ],"arrayOfFloatExample" : [ 0.82 ],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample" : [ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ],"arrayOfStringExample" : [ "dog", "cat", "bird" ],"arrayOfObjectType" : [ {"integerExample" : 777,"integerExampleInt32" : 1}, {"integerExample" : 30000,"integerExampleInt32" : 22} ]}}DATA
{"version" : 1,"objectTypeProperty" : {"arrayOfIntExample" : [ 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2 ],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample" : [ 2, 6, 10, 14 ],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample" : [ 6, 10 ],"arrayOfFloatExample" : [ 1.64 ],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample" : [ 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 ],"arrayOfStringExample" : [ "dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird" ],"arrayOfObjectType" : [ {"integerExample" : 1554,"integerExampleInt32" : 2}, {"integerExample" : 60000,"integerExampleInt32" : 22} ]}}
Create or Overwrite (PUT) operation to a resource.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
{"version" : 1,"objectTypeProperty" : {"arrayOfIntExample" : [ 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2 ],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample" : [ 2, 6, 10, 14 ],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample" : [ 6, 10 ],"arrayOfFloatExample" : [ 1.64 ],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample" : [ 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 ],"arrayOfStringExample" : [ "dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird" ],"arrayOfObjectType" : [ {"integerExample" : 1554,"integerExampleInt32" : 2}, {"integerExample" : 60000,"integerExampleInt32" : 22} ]}}
Query/retrieve (GET) a specific resource or resource(s). This should return a paged query result of blah.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
stringParameter String | |
floatParameter Float | |
integerParameter Int | |
withMarkdownDescription Float | This |
objectParameter | |
arrayOfString String | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
arrayOfStringWithDescription String | This should render above the text "The parameter can be passed multiple times." The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl -X GET https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource -i \--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}'
{"arrayOfIntExample" : [ 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2 ],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample" : [ 2, 6, 10, 14 ],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample" : [ 6, 10 ],"arrayOfFloatExample" : [ 1.64 ],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample" : [ 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 ],"arrayOfStringExample" : [ "dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird" ],"arrayOfObjectType" : [ {"integerExample" : 1554,"integerExampleInt32" : 2}, {"integerExample" : 60000,"integerExampleInt32" : 22} ]}
This link - ObjectTestTypeDraft, [ObjectTestTypeDraft](ctp:test:type:ObjectTestTypeDraft)
, must be auto-generated.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
queryParameterOne Float | This link - StringTestType, |
queryParameterTwo String |
curl -X POST https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource/description-with-urn-links -i \--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-binary @- << DATA{"eigthProperty" : "Should display 8th (1st in RAML)","createdBy" : {"firstName" : "John","lastName" : "Doe"},"ninthProperty" : "Should display 9th (3rd in RAML)","key" : "Should display 3rd (4th in RAML)","tenthProperty" : "Should display 10th (5th in RAML)","custom" : "Should display 16th (6th in RAML)","eleventhPropery" : "Should display 11th (7th in RAML)","id" : "Should display 1st (8th in RAML)","twelthProperty" : "Should display 12th (9th in RAML)","lastModifiedBy" : {"firstName" : "Jane","lastName" : "Doe"},"thirteenthProperty" : "Should display 13th (11th in RAML)","lastModifiedAt" : "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","fourteenthProperty" : "Should display 14th (13th in RAML)","fifteenthProperty" : "Should display 15th (14th in definition)","createdAt" : "2015-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","version" : "Should display 2nd (16th in RAML)"}DATA
{"arrayOfIntExample" : [ 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2 ],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample" : [ 2, 6, 10, 14 ],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample" : [ 6, 10 ],"arrayOfFloatExample" : [ 1.64 ],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample" : [ 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 ],"arrayOfStringExample" : [ "dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird" ],"arrayOfObjectType" : [ {"integerExample" : 1554,"integerExampleInt32" : 2}, {"integerExample" : 60000,"integerExampleInt32" : 22} ]}
{"dateOnlyExample" : "2015-05-23","timeOnlyExample" : "12:30:00","dateTimeOnlyExample" : "2015-07-04T21:00:00","dateTimeExample" : "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","dateTimeExampleDefaultFormat" : "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","dateTimeExampleRfc" : "Sun, 28 Feb 2016 16:41:41 GMT"}